dust collectors
Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
I started Eco’s first novel at the end of this quarter. It was a sort of optional reading added to the end of a class completely unrelated to the book. I was keeping up with the schedule, but then Finals Happened, and now I’m stuck somewhere in the middle. But I got it from my local library, so I definitely have to finish it! I will! I swear!
Salvador Plascencia, The People of Paper
I had talked to one of my professors in the winter about The Marriage Plot, which he’d written about in the introduction to one of his papers. I asked if I could read it, and then I did, and in his actual writing, he discusses three novels. I asked him which of the three he’d recommend first; he suggest The People of Paper. I made a note of that, and completely forgot about it. That is, until I was in the student bookstore, and I ALMOST made it out without buying anything unnecessary… but right before I got to the checkout, this beautiful little blue book caught my eye. Sorry to anyone who was in the class that actually needed The People of Paper, if they happened to be one copy short… it might’ve been my fault.
A.L. Kennedy, What Becomes
Mona Simpson gave all of her students in the fiction workshop a book that reminded her of their writing on Monday for our last meeting. She gave me this, and I’ve never read anything by Kennedy before, so I’m very, very tenderly looking forward to this one.
Mona Simpson, Off Keck Road
She also gave each of us a copy of her own novel, which I’m also tenderly looking forward to reading.
Joan Didion, Play As It Lays
Someone gave this to me last night. The exchange went something like:
You like Joan Didion, right?
Cool. I just read Play As It Lays. Do you want my copy?
So now I’ve got my first fiction from Didion. Who really is my god.
Maurice Blanchot, The Writing of the Disaster
A certain professor that we may all know and love recommended me this one… I read Duras’s The Lover first, but this is next on my list!
Nathanael West, Miss Lonelyhearts
I have 0 self-control and also proceeded to purchase this after being recommended it. I am running out of bookshelf space. Send help. Or, preferably, send more bookshelves.
Lauren Berlant, Cruel Optimism
Justin Torres recommended me this after I told him I was interested in grief. Then I told one of my theory TAs about it and she seemed mortified, or maybe just very worried, about what it was that I could’ve been interested in that would make him recommend me this. So… I’m hesitant to read it, just a bit.
I was so smitten with McDermott after hearing her read earlier this quarter that yes I did buy her book on the spot and yes I did fangirl when I had her sign it and yes my wallet is still suffering.
Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others
Another Justin Torres recommendation………. perhaps leading with my interest in bereavement literature is not the best when seeking book recommendations.